2004 Race Week Information |
On-Site Dinner Options
On-Site Dinner Options AvailableFriday Night6:00 pm ‑ The Seaport Marina Hotel will be setting up a “food court” around the BBQ area and will be offering different types of sandwiches, burgers, hot dogs and chili w/ corn bread….all sold as individual items on a cash basis - no pre-purchase is needed. Saturday Night6:30pm - Lasagna Dinners are available for $16.00 per person. The Dinner menu will include Lasagna, tossed salad with a choice of dressings, vegetable salad, garlic bread and chocolate cake. We will take pre-regatta Saturday night dinner reservations until 3:00 pm WEDNESDAY, June 23rd. TO ORDER DINNERS BEFORE THE REGATTA, EITHER: 1) mail this form and a check to “Golison & Golison” (see address below) 2) fax or e-mail your dinner reservations to us and than pay for them at registration (before the skipper’s meeting): Fax: (714) 379-3865 e-mail: bruce@golison.com I would like to order the following dinners: ______ dinners on SAT. – Lasagna Dinners ‑ $16.00 each $____________
Boat Name: ______________________________________
Skipper's Name: ________________________________
Make check payable to: "Golison & Golison" and mail or deliver to: Golison & Golison 5500 Bolsa Ave., Ste. 105 - Huntington Beach, CA 92649
We welcome your comments and feedback, as participant satisfaction is our top priority.
Please feel free to e-mail us at:
Bruce@Golison.com or